As part of Science Week 2018, 4th Class carried out an experiment in our new Outdoor Classroom using Low fat Supermilk and Vinegar. We mixed some vinegar with boiled Low fat Supermilk. We learned that when an acid such as vinegar is added to milk, it causes a chemical reaction. The chemical reaction causes the protein molecules in the milk to clump together to form white lumps called curd and the liquid is called whey. We strained the mixture using a j-cloth. When the whey was drained off, we pressed the curd, moulded it into a solid bone like structure and left it to dry
Planting Acorns As part of Science Week, 4th class planted some acorns. Materials: Cleaned, dried out milk cartons, compost, acorns, jugs, water. Method We tested the acorns by placing them in a jar of water. If the seed sank, we predict that it will grow. If the seed floated, we predict that it will not grow. We pierced some holes in the bottom of the cartons. We filled the cartons up to approximately ¾ level with compost. We placed the acorns in the compost between 2 ½ and 5 cm under the surface. We marked the cartons with `F` if the acorn floated and `S` if the acorn had sank. We left the cartons in a sheltered corner in our Outdoor Classroom.
Electricity For Science Week 2018, 2nd and 3rd class were investigating different materials and electricity. We worked collaboratively with cubes of different materials to guess what they were made from. Together we worked out that there were cubes made from aluminium, copper, brass, metal, stone, wood, plastic and polystyrene. After that we then discussed what each different material might be used for in real life. We also used different adjectives to describe the colour, texture, apperance, and weight of the materials. Following on from that we then investigated which of the materials allowed electricity to flow through them. We learned that materials which allow electricity to flow through them are called 'good conductors' and materials which don't allow electricity to flow through them are called insulators or 'bad conductors'. We had great fun investigating and discovering how to make the light bulb work.
For Science Week 5th Class worked in groups to research and carry out science experiments. We enjoyed being scientist for the day. Please enjoy the photo evidence of our class experiments. We explored a liquid that was also a solid. When we placed force or pressure on the substance it represented a solid and when we lightly touched the substance it became a liquid. We got to experience what a tornado was like, but luckily we trapped ours in a bottle. We made lava lamps using kitchen ingredients. And lastly we observed the dye from skittles dissolve in a shallow dish of water to produce a colourful rainbow.
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