© Carnaross National School 2023
RYEPEG web@ryepeg.ie
Welcome to the Carnaross Parents’ Association page on the Carnaross National School Website. The aim of the Parents’ Association is to provide a structure through which parents/guardians of children attending Carnaross National School can work together, in partnership with the Principal, Board of Management and the whole school community, to provide the best possible education and school environment for children attending the school. Events/Fundraisers: The Parents’ Association Committee Chairperson: Sinead Farrelly Treasurer: Debbie Clarke Secretary: Brona Shields Ailish O’ Reilly Joanne O’ Reilly Aisling Hetherton Jean Chapman Brendan Roche Cheryl Kane Collette Yore Andrea O’Brien Lorraine Walsh Elaine Carpenter Stela Strosar Siobhan Jordan BoM Reps: Louise Walsh Conor Woods Please feel free to contact your class representative (or any member of the Parents’ Association) via the email address carnarossparents@gmail.com. Please note any contact made with the Parents’ Association will be treated in strictest confidence and will be accessed by the Chairperson and the Secretary only).
.....for Parents Carnaross National School Constituton Parents Association policy Minutes
Carnaross N.S. Parents’ Association operates within the frameworks set out by, and relies wholly on the controls of Carnaross N.S. with respect to the management of data and GDPR issues.
Science Week took place between 13th and 20th of November The pupils enjoyed the visit of the Junior Einsteins Science Club, where each class had the chance to take part in a science demonstration and workshop.
The P.A. will hold the annual Christmas Hamper Raffle on the 20th December. All donations of items for the raffle would be greatly appreciated.