© Carnaross National School 2021
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Carnaross National School is situated 3 miles north of Kells on the N3. In 1824 there were six schools in the united Parish of Carnaross and Mullaghea but 11 years later there were but 2 schools, one at Dulane and one at Loughan. The Parish school at Carnaross was erected on chapel grounds, constructed of stone and thatch and was funded by public contributions. In 1844 Fr. Sheridan P.P. made an application to have the national school system introduced to Carnaross Parish as the existing school was totally inadequate. In 1934 a spacious new school of 3 classrooms was erected by Fr. Kelly P.P. at Carnaross, across the road from the existing school. On 30th of June 1982 Woodpole School closed and the pupils transferred to Carnaross National School. In August 1982 extension work began on Carnaross School as two new classrooms, an assembly hall cum general purpose room were added because pupil enrolment had increased from 85 in 1940 to 118 by 1988. In 2005 the school grounds were extended creating extra play area and ample space for the 2009 extension. By 2008 the enrolment was 154 and a new extension consisting of 3 beautiful new classrooms, sports hall and 2 offices were erected. The old school was re- wired and refurbished creating 3 spacious classrooms, 1 learning support room, 1 resource room and a lovely compu-library. The school also has extensive play facilities which include two football pitches, basketball and Olympic handball courts and an infant playground. OUR VISION is that of a caring, Catholic School where all children, whatever their ability, race or creed are cherished for their uniqueness. We believe each child has a unique and special contribution to make. We believe every child matters. Our School seeks to give equal opportunity to all children to reach their full potential – academically, spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally. We endeavour to achieve this goal in a climate of positive co-operation, supported by the entire school community of pupils, teachers, support staff, parents/guardians, Board of Management and wider community. We want our pupils to enjoy school. The staff of Carnaross National School seeks actively, through word and action, to create a happy climate of physical, emotional, social and intellectual security for students, staff and parents/guardians. In this way teaching and learning can take place within a stimulating learning environment with an atmosphere of mutual respect so that our pupils can achieve their full potential as well balanced spiritual people. We want our students to be happy with themselves, others and their world. We want our pupils to enjoy school. We endeavour to achieve quality in all that we do. We are proactive in our efforts to achieve this environment through our language and our actions. The teachers welcome parents/guardians as partners in this process. As a Catholic School we seek to promote an ethos which is: welcoming, open, tolerant, receptive, safe, caring, inclusive, aesthetically pleasing, hardworking and enjoyable. School Principal Dervilla Finnegan office@carnarossns.ie Teachers (Múinteoirí) Class Teacher Email Junior Infants Racheal Browne cnr.rachelb@gmail.com Senior Infants Áine Tynan cnr.ainet@gmail.com 1st Class Aisling Gibney cnr.aislingg@gmail.com 2nd/3rd Class Conor Brady cnr.conorb@gmail.com 4th Class John Paul Garvey cnr.johnpaulg@gmail.com 5th Class Daithi O’Connor cnr.daithio@gmail.com 6th Class Kathy Conaty cnr.kathyc@gmail.com Special Education Junior Infants to 2nd Class Kerri Ryan cnr.kerrief@gmail.com 3rd to 6th Class Edel Barry cnr.edelb@gmail.com Shared Teacher Sinead Lowe cnr.sineadl@gmai.com ASD Class Jennifer Donegan cnr.jenniferd@gmail.com ASD Class Beni Reilly cnr.benir@gmail.com School Secretary Angela Arkins office@carnarossns.ie
I will be gentle and will not hurt anyone. I will be kind and will not hurt people’s feelings. I will be honest and will not hide the truth. I will listen and will not interrupt. I will respect people and property. I will work hard and do my best at all times. School starts at 9:00 a.m. Fruit snack at 10:00 a.m. Break at 10:45 a.m. Lunch at 12:30—12:55 p.m. Junior and Senior Infants go home at 1:40 p.m. All other classes go home at 2:40 p.m. Please come promptly as your child may fret if he is left waiting while others are collected. If there are any special collection arrangements please let us know in writing. A signed consent is necessary if a child is to leave the school during the day and we urge parents not to collect children early if at all possible as it disrupts their learning. Children must be collected by an adult if they are leaving school early. Children will not be released into the care of another juvenile. Safety: Parents/guardians are urged to take care when dropping their children off as the road way is very busy. Children must always be accompanied whenever they have to cross the road. Parents are asked not to park in the bus set down area. School Uniform is compulsory in Carnaross National School. It consists of – navy tracksuit top/jumper/cardigan navy trousers/tracksuit bottoms skirt/pinafore red polo t-shirt. Navy and Red jumper with crest is available from Paddy Duff’s Shoe Shop in Kells and uniform without crest may be purchased from any of the leading department stores.
Functions of the Board The board’s main function is to manage the school on behalf of the patron and for the benefit of the students and to provide an appropriate education for each student at the school. In carrying out its functions, the board must Act in accordance with Ministerial policy Uphold the ethos of the school and be accountable to the patron for this. The word ethos is not used in the Education Act 1998. It is described in the Act as the “characteristic spirit of the school as determined by the cultural, educational, moral, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions which inform and are characteristic of the objectives and conduct of the school”. Act in accordance with the law and with any deed, charter, or similar instrument relating to the school. Consult with and inform the patron of decisions and proposals Publish the school’s policy on admission to and participation in the school, including its policy on expulsion and suspension of students, admission and participation by students with disabilities or with other special educational needs Ensure that the school’s admissions policy respects the choices of parents and the principles of equality and that it complies with Ministerial directions, having regard to the school ethos and the constitutional rights of all concerned Have regard for the principles and requirements of a democratic society and promote respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages and ways of life in our society Have regard to the efficient use of resources (particularly the grants provided by the state), the public interest in the affairs of the school and accountability to students, parents and the community Use the resources provided by the state to make reasonable provision and accommodation for students with disabilities or special needs, including, if necessary, the adaptation of buildings or provision of special equipment Who is on the Board The composition of the board of management for schools with more than one teacher is Two direct nominees of the patron Two parents of children enrolled in the school (one mother and one father) elected by the parents The principal One other teacher elected by the teaching staff. Two extra members agreed by the representatives of the patron, teachers and parents. Activities of the board Essentially, the board manages the school. Among other things: It has responsibility for drawing up the school plan and for ensuring that it is implemented. (An information leaflet for parents (pdf) and guidelines for primary schools on school development planning (pdf) are found on the website of the Department of Education and Science website.) It appoints the principal, the teachers and other staff. It must ensure that the school fulfills its functions as set out in the Education Act 1998. It must promote contact between the school, the parents and the community and must facilitate and give all reasonable help to a parents’ association in its formation and its activities. It has overall responsibility for the school’s finances. It is obliged to have comprehensive insurance cover for the school. It must keep proper accounts, which may be audited by the Department of Education and Science and/or the Comptroller and Auditor General. Its annual accounts must be available to the patron and the school community. Maths Evaluation Report The Board of Management acknowledge the core work of any school is teaching and learning. The Board is very pleased that the recent Maths Evaluation Report acknowledges the very high standard in all aspects of teaching and learning of the Maths iCurriculum in Carnaross NS.
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Carnaross National School Fight Song